Saturday, January 24, 2015

Thermal Expansion Design

In the design of aboveground pipelines, the supports and guides for the pipe become important consideration because of thermal expansion. A number of methods accommodate the length changes associated with thermal expansion and contraction. The four most commonly used methods include:
  • Anchoring and guiding
  • Direction changes
  • Expansion loops
  • Mechanical expansion joints
Guides, expansion loops and mechanical expansion joints are installed in straight lines that are anchored at each end. Direction changes are the least expensive method of accommodating thermal expansion. Guide spacing is the next most economical method, followed by mechanical expansion joints and expansion loops.
The guiding mechanism must be loose to allow free axial movement of the pipe. However, the guides must be attached rigidly to the supporting structure so that the pipe moves only in the axial direction. An anchor must restrain the movement of the pipe against all forces. Anchors divide a pipe system into sections. In some cases, pumps, t anks and other similar equipment function as anchors. However, most installations require additional anchor where pipe sizes change and fiberglass pipe joins another material or a product from another manufacturer. Additional anchor usually occur at valve locations, change in direction of piping runs, and at major branch connections.
Axial stress at given direction change depends on the operating pressure, the total change in length and the distance to the first secure pipe support past the direction change. Support must prevent lateral movement or pipe bucking. To ensure that the flexible leg length is sufficient to accommodate the total change in length anticipated, it is necessary to compute the combined axial stress and compare with the allowable stress. The leg length is calculated from the equation, The flexible leg length (the distance to the first restraining support from the direction change) is calculated from the equation,
L = [ (1.5 ∆l. EAF. Do) / σi ]1/2
L= Flexible leg length, mm
∆l = Change in length, mm
EAF = Axial modulus in flexure, kN/m²
Do = External diameter of pipe, mm
σi = Remaining axial stress, kN/m²
= σa – σp
σa = Allowable axial stress, kN/m²
σp = Axial stress due to pressure, kN/m²
Expansion loops are used where simple direction changes cannot accommodate changes in length of a pipe run. Normally, expansion loops are used in very long pipelines with relatively few changes in direction. The design method assumes a cantilevered beam with a concentrated load at the free end to calculate axial stress. The recommended guide spacing on the main pipeline is shown in the following figure. First guide is placed at a distance of 4 times the diameter and second guide at a distance of 14 times the diameter from the expansion loop. Additional guides and supports should be added to
support the expansion loop as required.
L = [ (k. ∆l. EAF. Do) / σi ]1/2
L = Flexible leg length, mm
k = 0.75 (for non-guided cantilever)
= 3.00 (for guided cantilever)
Expansion joints may be used to absorb thermal expansion in long, straight pipe runs. Various types of expansion joints are available and suitable for use with fiberglass piping systems. Since the fiberglass pipe will expand more than most metallic system, the required movement per expansion joint and the number of expansion joints may be greater for fiberglass systems.
The allowable activation force for expansion joints depends on both the thermal forces developed in the pipe and the support or guide spacing. Guide spacing at the entry of an expansion joint is typically 4 pipe diameters (first guide) and 14 pipe diameters (second guide) from the inlet of the expansion joint. The spacing of remaining supports should remain within the maximum calculated interval.

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