Saturday, January 24, 2015

Vortex-Induced Vibrations (VIV) on Subsea Pipeline

In fluid dynamics, vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) are motions induced on bodies interacting with an external fluid flow, produced by – or the motion producing – periodical irregularities on this flow. They occur in many engineering situations, such as bridges, stacks, transmission lines, aircraft control surfaces, offshore structures, thermowells, engines, heat exchangers, marine cables, towed cables, drilling and production risers in petroleum production, mooring cables, moored structures, tethered structures, buoyancy and spar hulls, pipelines, cable-laying, members of jacketed structures, and other hydrodynamic and hydroacoustic applications. The most recent interest in long cylindrical members in water ensues from the development of hydrocarbon resources in depths of 1000 m or more.
Vortex-induced vibration (VIV) is an important source of fatigue damage of offshore oil exploration and production risers. These slender structures experience both current flow and top-end vessel motions, which give rise to the flow-structure relative motion and cause VIV. The top-end vessel motion causes the riser to oscillate and the corresponding flow profile appears unsteady.
One of the classical open-flow problems in fluid mechanics concerns the flow around a circular cylinder, or more generally, a bluff body. At very low Reynolds numbers (based on the diameter of the circular member) the streamlines of the resulting flow is perfectly symmetric as expected from potential theory. However as the Reynolds number is increased the flow becomes asymmetric and the so called Kármán vortex street occurs.Von Kármán vortex street is a repeating pattern of swirling vortices caused by the unsteady separation of flow over bluff bodies.
When the vortices are not formed symmetrically around the body (with respect to its mid plane), different lift forces develop on each side of the body, thus leading to motion transverse to the flow. This motion changes the nature of the vortex formation in such a way as to lead to a limited motion amplitude (differently from what would be expected in a case of resonance).
Types of VIV:
  •  Self-excited oscillations
This type of VIV is what occurs naturally, i.e., when the vortex-shedding and the natural frequency are the same. (This is the real VIV – this is vortex-induced vibration)
  • Forced oscillations
Occurs at velocities and amplitudes which are preset and can be controlled independently of fluid velocity. (This is not the real VIV – this is vibration-induced vortices)\


Lateral Buckling Analysis of Offshore Pipelines Using SIMLA

Offshore pipelines are required to operate at ever highertemperatures and pressures. The resulting high axialstress in the pipe-wall may lead to unexpected buckling, which may have serious consequences for the integrity of the pipeline if this is not taken into account during the design phase.
Unexpected lateral buckling has been observed in several operating pipeline systems. The offshore industry lacks a complete understanding of lateral buckling, and efficient tools for simulating buckling behaviour early in the design phase would make a valuable contribution to our knowledge.
The computer analysis tool, SIMLA, which has been developed by MARINTEK for Norsk Hydro, can accurately predict and simulate buckling effects. SIMLA includes special-purpose tailor-made nonlinear finite elements, contact algorithms, material models and numerical procedures for advanced structural analyses of offshore pipelines. Furthermore, the full 3D representation of the seabed can be taken into account, a necessity in areas with very irregular seabed topography.
Buckling is very sensitive to the initial configuration. In order to obtain accurate results, the various phases in the life-cycle of the pipeline need to be taken into account in the analysis. SIMLA does this in sequential steps or load cases:
  • In the first step, the pipeline is automatically placed along the predefined route. This is handled automatically by the AUTOSTART feature in SIMLA. The correct stresses resulting from the route description, seabed, hydrostatic loads and gravity effects are calculated with minimum input from the user.
  • Water filling and pressure test are usually then carried out. After full pressure has been obtained, the pipe is de-pressurised and the water is removed. In SIMLA this is performed by raising and lowering the internal pressure and submerged weight of the pipe.
  • Operating or design pressure and the corresponding updated submerged weight are then applied.
  • In the final step, the thermal load is applied.
When buckling takes place, the problem is unstable, and a transient dynamic analysis is normally performed to apply the thermal load. SIMLA is able to switch from a static to a dynamic approach within the same analysis. This way, the water filling, pressure test and operating loads may be applied statically for the sake of efficiency, leaving the thermal load to be applied dynamically, thus increasing the numerical robustness.
In a lateral buckling and stability analysis, interaction between the seabed and the pipeline are very important. The 3D representation of the seabed ensures accurate results on the basis of geometric effects. Figure 1 visualises an example of a 3D seabed. The green line defines the route centreline and the yellow pins define the surface normals at discrete points. The route corridor grid resolution in both the axial and longitudinal directions is defined by the user.
In addition to the 3D route corridor, the numerical representation of the interaction between the pipe and the soil is also very important. SIMLA makes several numerical pipe/soil interaction models available. The soil stiffness and friction coefficients may individually be defined as functions of displacements in the lateral, axial and vertical directions. Both hyperelastic and elastoplastic material behaviour may be applied.
In order to verify the buckling analysis capabilities of SIMLA, a 4.5 km section of the Ormen Lange PL-A import line was analysed, using a snake lay route according to the original design produced by Reinertsen Engineering. The route is relatively flat in this area, with a vertical difference between the start and end of the route section of approximately 22 m. The seabed was defined with a resolution of 2 m in both axial and lateral directions; see Figure 1 for illustration. During the pressure test, a pressure of 27.3 MPa was applied. The design pressure was 24.2 MPa, and the design temperature was 31.7º C.
The analysis was defined and run in SIMLA. The results indicate that the pipeline would buckle at two sections, and that the maximum lateral displacement is estimated to be 4.6 m, with a maximum axial strain of 0.24%; see Figures 2 and 3.
The SIMLA results were compared with existing results from ANSYS analysis performed by Reinertsen Engineering as part of the detailed design process. The buckling shapes, moment and distributions of force are virtually identical. The maximum lateral displacements differed somewhat, being about 9% lower in ANSYS than indicated by SIMLA results; see Figure 3.
In order to enable the ANSYS analysis to be completed within a reasonable time, 8 m elements were used in the ANSYS model. The time required for analysis of an 8 m element model in SIMLA is less than 5 minutes on a 1.8 GHz AMD Opteron PC. In order to obtain more accurate results, an element length of 2 m was also utilised in SIMLA, requiring an elapsed time of 18 minutes. The short analysis time indicates that significantly larger sections of the pipe can be analysed in one go with SIMLA without problems.
The existing analysis capabilities of SIMLA enable us to accurately predict and evaluate lateral buckling in subsea pipelines. Automatic algorithms and an engineering-friendly input format significantly simplify the pre-processing and model set-up stages. Efficient numerical routines make it possible to analyse long pipeline section with a high degree of accuracy in a matter of minutes.
Source :

How to Weld Underwater

Underwater welding is a process whereby metals are melted together underwater to either repair a structure or create a new structure. Used on oil wells, ships, and other underwater structures, underwater welding is done by one of two methods. The first is hyperbaric welding, in which a structure is created around the weld and a pressurized environment created. The second is arc welding, in which the welding electrode contains a flux coating that releases gases to preserve the integrity of the weld. Because of the dangers of shock, explosion and poisoning, underwater welding is only performed by professionals with both diving and welding certifications.
Method 1 of 2: Hyperbaric welding
  1. Identify the site and material of the joint to be welded as most underwater welds involve steel, but metals may vary.
  2. Prepare a chamber to place around the joint (each joint should have a separate chamber).
  3. Introduce gas into the chamberA typical gas mixture uses helium and oxygen, but requirements vary based on the specific joint to be welded. The pressure of the chamber should be slightly above that of the surrounding water.
  4. Run a power supply to the chamber and set up a port for your electrodes. Multiple electrodes will likely be required, and should be placed in advance in front of the area of the joint to be welded.
  5. Dive to the weld site.
  6. Turn on the power supply and weld the joint from outside the chamber
  7. Turn off the power supply as soon as the welding is done.
Method 2 of 2: Arc welding
  1. Investigate the joint to be welded and identify the types of metals involved.
  2. Prepare the adequate electrodes, plan out the order of welding and dive to the weld site.
  3. Weld the joint, ensuring that the flux coating of the weld is coming off as expected, and that too much hydrogen is not approaching the joint.
  4. Turn off the power supply as soon as the welding is done.
In addition to underwater hyperbaric welding and underwater arc welding, a common way of welding joints on surfaces underwater is to bring the surface onto dry land, create a pressurized chamber around the joint, and use a hyperbaric dry welding process. This eliminates the need for diving while still reaching normally underwater locations.
  • Explosions can occur when pockets of hydrogen or oxygen build up and are exposed to a flame. Ensure that there is a method for venting built-up hydrogen and oxygen, and review all safety procedures beforehand.
  • Because underwater welding involves two dangerous activities–welding and diving–years of instruction are usually needed before attaining competence. When learning how to weld underwater, do not attempt it if you are only comfortable as a welder or as a diver.
  • Underwater welding is only done with special electrodes designed for prolonged contact with water. Check that all electrodes and power supplies are adequately insulated.
  • Poisoning from nitrogen or other gases can cause permanent injury or death while welding underwater. Divers should always have an external or back-up air supply and should use a depressurizing chamber when returning to the surface.
Source :

Offshore Cathodic Protection

Richard Baxter and Jim Britton

How does steel corrode in water?

To understand cathodic protection, you must first understand how corrosion is caused. For corrosion to occur, three things must be present:
1. Two dissimilar metals
2. An electrolyte (water with any type of salt or salts dissolved in it)
3. A metal (conducting) path between the dissimilar metals
The two dissimilar metals may be totally different alloys – such as steel and aluminum – but are more likely to be microscopic or macroscopic metallurgical differences on the surface of a single piece of steel. In this case we will consider freely-corroding steel, which is non-uniform.
If the above conditions exist, the following reaction takes place at the more active sites: (two iron ions plus four free electrons).
2Fe => 2Fe++ + 4e-
The free electrons travel through the metal path to the less active sites, where the following reaction takes place: (oxygen gas is converted to oxygen ion - by combining with the four free electrons - which combines with water to form hydroxyl ions).
O2 + 4e- + 2H20 => 4 OH-
Recombinations of these ions at the active surface produce the following reaction, which yields the iron-corrosion product ferrous hydroxide: (iron combining with oxygen and water to form ferrous hydroxide).
2Fe + O2 + 2H2O => 2Fe (OH)2
This reaction is more commonly described as 'current flow through the water from the anode (more active site) to the cathode (less active site).'

How does cathodic protection stop corrosion?

Cathodic protection prevents corrosion by converting all of the anodic (active) sites on the metal surface to cathodic (passive) sites by supplying electrical current (or free electrons) from an alternate source.
Usually this takes the form of galvanic anodes, which are more active than steel. This practice is also referred to as a sacrificial system, since the galvanic anodes sacrifice themselves to protect the structural steel or pipeline from corrosion.
In the case of aluminum anodes, the reaction at the aluminum surface is: (four aluminum ions plus twelve free electrons)
4Al => 4AL+++ + 12 e-
and at the steel surface: (oxygen gas converted to oxygen ions which combine with water to form hydroxyl ions).
3O2 + 12e- + 6H20 => 12OH-
As long as the current (free electrons) arrives at the cathode (steel) faster than oxygen is arriving, no corrosion will occur.
Figure 1: Sacrificial anode system in seawater
cathodic protection

Basic considerations when designing sacrificial anode systems

The electrical current an anode discharges is controlled by Ohm's law, which is:
I= Current flow in amps
E= Difference in potential between the anode and cathode in volts
R= Total circuit resistance in ohms
Initially, current will be high because the difference in potential between the anode and cathode are high, but as the potential difference decreases due to the effect of the current flow onto the cathode, the current gradually decreases due to polarization of the cathode. The circuit resistance includes both the water path and the metal path, which includes any cable in the circuit. The dominant value here is the resistance of the anode to the seawater.
For most applications, the metal resistance is so small compared to the water resistance that it can be ignored (although this is not true for sleds or long pipelines protected from both ends). In general, long, thin anodes have lower resistance than short, fat anodes. They will discharge more current but will not last as long.
Therefore, a cathodic-protection designer must size the anodes so that they have the right shape and surface area to discharge enough current to protect the structure and enough weight to last the desired lifetime when discharging this current.
As a general rule of thumb:

The length of the anode determines how much current the anode can produce, and consequently, how many square feet of steel can be protected. The cross section (weight) determines how long the anode can sustain this level of protection.

Impressed-current cathodic protection systems (ICCP anode systems)

Due to the high currents involved in many seawater systems, it is not uncommon to use impressed-current systems that use anodes of a type (ICCP anodes) that are not easily dissolved into metallic ions. This causes an alternative reaction: the oxidization of the dissolved chloride ions.
2Cl- => Cl2 + 2e-
Power is supplied by an external DC power unit.

Figure 2: Impressed-current cathodic-protection system in seawater

impressed current cathodic protection

How do we know when we have enough cathodic protection?

We can verify that there's enough current by measuring the potential of the steel against a standard reference electrode, usually silver silver/chloride (Ag/AgCl sw.), but sometimes zinc (sw.).
Current flow onto any metal will shift its normal potential in the negative direction. History has shown that if steel receives enough current to shift the potential to (-) 0.800 V vs. silver / silver chloride (Ag / AgCl), the corrosion is essentially stopped.
Due to the nature of the films which form, the minimum (-0.800 V) potential is rarely optimum, so designers try to achieve a potential between (-) 0.950 V and (-) 1.000 V vs. Ag/AgCl sw.

Figure 3: Protected vs unprotected structures as verified by cathodic-protection potential
cathodic protection potentialcathodic protection testing

Source : 

New Installation Methods May Facilitate Ultra Deep Water Pipelay

Since the 1970s, offshore oil and gas development has gradually proceeded from shallow-water installations up to around 400 m (1,312 ft) to the ultra-deep waters around 3,000 m (9,842 ft) that represent the maximum today. The question is whether the curve will flatten at 3,000 m, or if this is just a temporary pause on the way to even greater depths. There have been plans for a gas trunkline from Oman to India at 3,500 m (11,483 ft) depth, but it is yet to be seen if there will be many such projects in the near future.

Pipe wall thickness

The main design challenge for development beyond 3,000 m is related to the high external pressure that may cause collapse of the pipeline. From depths of 900 m (2,953 ft) onwards, external over-pressure is normally the most critical failure mode for pipelines. The risk of collapse is typically most critical during installation when the pipe is empty and external over-pressure is at its maximum.
Many of the world's offshore pipelines are designed and constructed to DNV's pipeline standard DNV-OS-F101, and new concepts such as pipe-in-pipe may easily be accounted for by adjusting the relevant failure modes. (Photo courtesy DNV)
Many of the world’s offshore pipelines are designed and constructed to DNV’s pipeline standard DNV-OS-F101, and new concepts such as pipe-in-pipe may easily be accounted for by adjusting the relevant failure modes. (Photo courtesy DNV)
In addition, the pipe will be exposed to large bending deformation in the sag bend during installation that may trigger collapse, and collapse may also be relevant for operational pipelines subject to significant corrosion.
The main manufacturing processes relevant for larger-diameter, heavy-wall line pipes are UO shaped, welded and expanded/compressed (UOE/C, JCOE) and three roll bending. These processes provide a combination of excellent mechanical properties, weldability, dimensional tolerances, high production capacities and relatively low costs compared to seamless pipes.
There are at least six pipe mills that regularly supply heavy-wall, welded line pipe for offshore projects based on the UOE process: Tata Steel, Europipe, JFE, Nippon Steel, Sumitomo, and Tenaris. Research into further improving manufacturing techniques continues in the industry, and we also see several “newcomers” that can produce good quality pipes for deepwater.
This potential failure mode is normally dealt with by increasing the pipe wall thickness. But at ultra-deepwater depths, this may require a very thick walled pipe that becomes costly, difficult to manufacture, and hard to install due to its weight. Currently, there is a practical limit on wall thickness that limits the maximum water depth for 42-in. pipes to around 2,000 m (6,562 ft) while for a 24-in. pipe, this limit is approximately doubled to 4,000 m (13,123 ft).
Three factors have a major influence on the final compressive strength of the pipeline: quality of plate feedstock, optimization of compression and expansion during pipe forming, and light heat treatment. By focusing on these factors together with improving the ovality of the final pipe, it is possible to obtain a collapse resistance comparable to that of seamless pipes.


X-Stream is a novel pipeline concept developed by DNV that aims to solve the collapse challenge by limiting and controlling the external over-pressure. In a typical scenario, the pipeline is installed partially water-filled, and is thus pressurized at large water depths. Then, to ensure that the internal pressure does not drop below a certain limit during the operational phase when it is filled with gas, it is equipped with a so-called inverse HIPPS (i-HIPPS).
This system also includes some inverse double-block-and-bleed (i-DBB) valves. It is inverse in the sense that instead of bleeding off any leakage to avoid pressure build up in standard DBB systems, any leakage and loss of pressure is avoided by a pressurized void between the double blocks. This is needed to avoid unintended depressurization by a leaking valve which may not be 100% pressure tight when the pipeline system is shut down. Studies undertaken during the development of X-Stream show that the weight increase due to flooding is more or less balanced by the reduction in steel weight.
X-Stream is still at the concept development stage. Some practical aspects need to be studied, such as how to install large valves in ultra- deepwater. Another aspect is repair procedures and equipment, even though that should not be much different from normal ultra-deepwater pipelines. There are also some optimizations to be performed with respect to pressure loss during operation and equalization of the pressure during shutdown.
However, the potential benefits of the X-Stream concept to gas export and trunk lines at ultra-deep waters are quite significant, such as:
  • Reduced steel quantity and associated costs
  • Use of standard pipe dimensions, even for ultra-deepwater and large diameters, reduces line pipe costs
  • No need for buckle arrestors
  • No need for reserve tension capacity in case of accidental flooding.
In addition, a rough cost comparison indicates a 10-30% cost reduction (steel cost, transportation cost, welding cost) compared with a traditional gas trunk line.

Installation methods

There are three main methods used to install offshore pipelines: reeling, S-lay, and J-Lay. In ultra-deep waters, the combined loading of axial force, bending, and external over-pressure during installation can also be critical to wall thickness design. A significant external over-pressure in ultra-deep waters sets up both a compressive longitudinal stress and a compressive hoop stress. Both tend to trigger local buckling at less bending compared to a pipe without the external over-pressure.
A common challenge for all installation methods when it comes to deep and ultra-deep waters is the tension capacity. The catenary length before the pipeline rests at the seabed can become quite long, due to the water depth. The pipe needs to be very thick walled to have the necessary collapse capacity; and thus the submerged weight can become high. It is also often required that the installation vessel be capable of holding the pipe in case of accidental flooding (e.g. a wet buckle). However, it is still a topic of discussion whether it is absolutely necessary to be able to hold an accidentally flooded pipe.
The tension capacity of current vessels limits the water depth for 18 to 24-in. pipelines to around 3,000 m, when not accounting for the accidental flooding case. The limit for 30-in. pipelines is around 2,100 to 2,500 m (6,890 to 8,202 ft). New vessels with a tension capacity of 2,000 metric tons (2,204 tons) will be able to install up to 24-in. or maybe 26-in. pipes at 4,000 m (13,123 ft) water depth, while for 42-in. pipelines the maximum depth will be around 2,500 m (8,202 ft).
Another challenge related to deepwater installation is how to detect buckles during installation. Normally, a gauge plate is pulled through the pipeline by a wire at a certain distance behind the touchdown point. In case of a buckle, the wire pulling force will increase to indicate that something is wrong. However, in ultra-deep waters, the length of the wire and the friction between the wire and the curved pipeline may give challenges in detecting minor buckles. Having a long wire and buckle detector inside a pipeline during installation can also be risky. If the pipeline is lost, the water will push the wire and gauge plate inside the pipeline and it may not be possible to get it out again.

Suspended installation

The Ormen Lange field is located in a pre-historic slide area, with an uneven seabed at nearly 900 m (2,953 ft) water depth. In its early development phase, a submerged, floating pipeline concept was studied to overcome the challenging seabed conditions. By mooring the buoyant pipeline to the seabed, no seabed intervention work would be required. The concept was left for the benefit of a more traditional concept with the pipeline on the seabed mainly because of the challenges with interference between trawl gear and the mooring lines, but it is still considered feasible both with respect to installation and operation.
Another floating pipeline concept has been developed by Single Buoy Moorings. Here the buoyancy is ensured by a large-diameter carrier pipe to which the smaller pipelines are attached. Buoyancy modules, clump weights, and the end anchoring system ensure tension in the pipeline bundle. A short bundle connecting the FPSO and the spar has been installed at Kikeh offshore Malaysia. However, the maximum length of this concept can be extended by use of intermediate vertical supports. Potential challenges will be hydrodynamic forces, both the steady-state drag and the cyclic ones, including vortex-induced vibrations. The challenge is to balance the need for anchoring with the need for flexibility to absorb the forces. (e.g., by making the attachment to the mooring lines in such a way that it does not cause too concentrated bending deformations).

Spiral installation

A future solution for ultra-deep and topologically challenging locations may be to further develop the SpiralLay method developed by Eurospiraal. In this application, the line pipes are joined onshore and wound into a spiral for towing offshore. The spiral can take a quite long length of pipeline which makes it possible to pressurize it. On location, the pipeline is un-wound and installed in a short time. The concept involves installing a pressurized pipeline from a submerged spiral floating at a safe distance above the seabed, thus avoiding the challenges with the combined loading in the sag bend at deep and ultra-deepwater depths. This is a novel concept and needs further development and testing.

Seabed intervention

Seabed intervention and tie-in become more challenging with increasing water depth. Some of the equipment, such as fall pipes for rock installation vessels, have practical limitations (e.g. the maximum length of the fall pipe). The same is the case with ROVs and other equipment needed for installation. Some repair methods – such as retrieving a damaged part to the surface or using subsea welding with divers – are limited by water depth, and can only be used in 200 to 400-m (656 to 1,132-ft) waters. For deepwater, repair methods based on remotely controlled equipment are needed.
Recently developed repair methods for deepwater are based on different types of clamps that are fitted over a locally damaged area; or involve cutting and replacing a section with use of end flanges/couplings and spool pieces. In cases with extreme or comprehensive damage, a new pipeline section may be installed. Typically, both the clamps and the end couplings need to be sealed with grouting or metallic seals. Examples are the Oceaneering systems based on Smart Flange/Connector/Clamp and the Chevron deepwater repair system. These are under development, and designed to operate down to 3,000 m water depths. The Statoil-led PRS consortium is also developing a repair system for deepwater based on remotely welded sleeves. This system is based on two lifting frames, cutting the damaged part, then installing some couplings and a new spool piece.

Notation fosters innovation

Today, 65% of the world’s offshore pipelines are designed and constructed to DNV’s pipeline standard DNV-OS-F101. It is the only internationally recognized offshore pipeline standard that complies with the ISO codes. The ISO pipeline standard itself, the ISO-13623, is more like a goal setting standard with basically one hoop stress criterion and one equivalent stress criterion, and with little guidance for engineers on how to actually design a pipeline. Here, DNV-OS-F101 has found its niche, giving more detailed requirements in compliance with ISO-13623.
Another reason for the standard’s success is that it is based on the so-called limit state design, where all potential failure modes have to be checked according to specific design criteria with given safety factors. This makes it easy to apply the code to novel designs and outside the typical application range (e.g. in deep and ultra-deep waters, in Arctic environments).
The collapse capacity and the fabrication factor for UOE line pipes may be taken as a good example of the flexibility of the DNV-OS-F101 code. The code contains a clause allowing for upgrading the fabrication factor due to different aspects such as light heat treatment and/or compression, instead of expansion at the end of the manufacturing process. The code is also quite transparent in the way the design criterion is written in order to facilitate and take into account innovation and improvements in the fabrication process. Similarly, new concepts such as the X-stream or various pipe-in-pipe concepts may easily be accounted for by adjusting the relevant failure modes, and adding new ones if relevant.
The most likely deep and ultra-deep potential field development areas known today are Gulf of Mexico, the Brazilian presalt areas, and East and West Africa. All pose challenges that could benefit from technology development and innovation.
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